This is the archive of the "Data Visualization" course of Module 8, year 2021.\\ {{:230363.png?direct&50 |}} The projects of the students are listed below:\\ \\ \\ ^Team name ^Project Name ^Logo ^Topic ^Short description ^Students involved ^Report ^Photos ^Code/Assets ^ |||||||||| |Team Smartphone Privacy|Smartphone Privacy|{{:dataviz_2021_logo_smartphonePrivacy.png?direct&50 |}}|Online privacy with a focus on smartphones and social media|Smartphones have become a part of our daily lives. But what do they know about us, are we constantly tracked and monitored?|Cato de Kruif, Ellis Dijkstra, Froukje Temme, Priya Naguine, Huub Rijnders, Jannick Siderius|{{ :dataviz_2021_report_smartphonePrivacy.pdf |Report}}|{{ |Photos}}|{{ |Code}}| |||||||||| | Team Gender Equality | Gender Equality Project | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_GenderEquality.png?direct&50 |}} | Gender Equality in different sectors | How is gender equality around the world? Do women have equal economic power? Do they go to school as much as men? In 12 visualizations, we show some aspects of gender equality around the world. | Alessia Bertana, Alexis Philippou, Nađa Marčetić, Annabelle de Ruiter, Bas van der Steenhoven, Jelko Luiten | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_GenderEquality.pdf |Report}} | {{ :dataviz_2021_photos_GenderEquality.pdf |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Space pioneers | Space | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_space.png?direct&50 |}}| The explorations and journey of human space exploration over time| The vast sky above us has always been a great mystery for humans. How have we been populating space and how will we do this in the future? Discover the history and future of space! | Zino Vieth, Reinier Davidse , Quinten van Bommel, Luit Meinen, Wouter Bollen, Wout Vissers | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_space.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Trash Recycling | Trash Recycling | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_TrashRecycing.png|}} | Trash recycling across different topics and countries|Trash recycling of different materials in The Netherlands, throughout the years and in comparison with other countries in Europe. | Jonah Sanderman, Babet ten Hagen, Ard Kotte, Karlijn Kole, Gijs Kampshoff| {{ :dataviz_2021_report_TrashRecycling.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Gun Violence | Gun Violence | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_GunViolence.png?direct&50 |}} | Gun Violence in the US | Reasons behind and statistics surrounding Gun Violence in the United States. | Emil Gravier, Jonas Hentschel, Thorben Gerdes, Wonjun Jung, Maria Voicu, Robin Broekman, Nathan van Daal | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_GunViolence.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Alcohol consumption | alcohol consumption| {{:dataviz_2021_logo_Alcohol Consumption.png?direct&50|}} | Alcohol consumption, regulations and taxes | The amount of alcohol consumed, deaths caused by alcohol, what amount of alcohol you can buy per monetary unit and what rules and regulations are, are discovered here. | Ruben Koole, Mats van Braam, Laura Schep, Benjamin Suijdendorp, Robyn Wernsen, Roland Wit | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_Alcohol Consumption.pdf |Report}} | {{:dataviz_2021_photos_Alcohol |Photos}} | {{:dataviz_2021_code_Alcohol |Code}} | |||||||||| | Wealth Distribution | Wealth Distribution | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_WealthDistribution.png?direct&50 |}} | Effects of the distribution of wealth | Looking at 3 different countries and stuying the effect of regional wealth distibution on certain topics such as drug use, criminality and gambling. | Irfan Tekinerdoğan, Sander Dullaert and Myungwon Youn | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_WealthDistribution.pdf.pdf |Report}} | {{ :dataviz_2021_photos_WealthDistribution.pdf |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | | Team Plastic Pollution |Plastic Polution| {{:dataviz_2021_logo_Plastic Pollution.png?direct&50 |}} | Plastic Pollution Sources Consequences and Solutions| We made visualizations about plastic pollution. What are the biggest sources of plastic pollution and what are the consequences? Besides visualizing the problem we also visualized the recycling rates and alternatives to plastic as a solution to the plastic pollution problem. | Lara Klooster, Lisa Lankhorst, Twan Nijhuis, Bas van de Weerd, Martijn Sikking, Madee Schreurs| {{ :dataviz_2021_report_Plastic Pollution.pdf |Report}} | {{ :dataviz_2021_photos_Plastic |Photos}} | {{ :dataviz_2021_code_Plastic |Code}} | | Team Data | Data Manipulation | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_team_data.png?direct&50 |}} | Make data fit your agenda | In recent years, more and more warnings against faked data are issued. This can include election campaign posts, “proven” statistics against a different view someone does not like or even something more unsettling like climate change. Regardless, manipulating data is wrong. But is it possible to spot this kind of manipulation? We tried to show some of the ways data and data visualizations can be manipulated to fit an agenda or a narrative.| Rosalie van Elburg, Elise Schut, Jasper Kolnaar, Marc Fuentes Bongenaar, Vera Schockemöhle, Konrad Rempe| {{ :dataviz_2021_report_team_data.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Team LEGO | The LEGO company|{{:dataviz_2021_logo_LEGO.png?direct&50 |}} |An analysis of LEGO | The LEGO company has gotten more and more successful over the years, but what are the stats of LEGO? How do the employees like the company? What is its global revenue, growth and pricing? How much have the themeparks grown? This project provides a deeper analysis of the company. | Sofia Baltussen, Senna Claes, Mariska Geelhoed, Marin Grinwis, Laurens van Helvoort, and Jochem Sallander | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_LEGO.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | | Team Aviation Industry Development | Aviation Industry Development |{{:dataviz_2021_logo_AviationDevelopment.png?direct&50 |}} | Insight of the Aviation Industry Development | The Aviation Industry connects different continents, countries and cultures. It is also a key contributor to the global economy, not only carrying tourists but also cargo for global trade. Moreover, the aviation industry directly provides millions of job opportunities around the world. We looked into how the aviation industry is developed. | Younghun Rhee, Vincent Diks, Willem van Dijk, Duncan Bosman, Mark Ziegelhöfers, Anouchka Hertoghe, Gies den Broeder | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_AviationDevelopment.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | | Team music |Music| {{:dataviz_2021_logo_music.png?direct&50 |}} | various visualizations on music | on this website, you can find 10 visualizations on 5 topics. These are as follows: Seasonal songs, Covers and Translations, Listening reasons, Success of Rock and Music Complexity. Find the website here: [[|Data Visualization]]| Paul Boersen, Linde Voskamp, Nikolay Pavlov, Anusha Autar, Veselin Daskalov | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_music.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| |Group Covid|Covid| {{:dataviz_2021_logo_groupcovid.png?direct&50|}} |The positive effects of Covod|To say corona has had an impact on life, would be an understatement. Over the last year, it has had devastating effects on the world, and humanity as a whole. Yet saying that the effects of corona are only negative would be unfair. Stories on positive effects, on the environment for example, have been published since the beginning of the pandemic. Let’s explore those positive effects of corona, with the help of 12 visualizations divided over 5 topics, ranging from broad topics to niche benefits|Dennis Peeters, Maud van der Hall, Noa Barneveld, Sarah Jansen, Louis van Maurik, Hanneke Goud| {{ :dataviz_2021_report_groupcovid.pdf|Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | | Team Mental Health | Mental Health | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_MentalHealth.png?direct&50 |}} |The prevalence of mental illness| A look at various mental illnesses all over the world, as well as possible causes and how they go together. Mental illness is far less visible than its physical counterpart, but by no means less serious or easier to treat. | Kristian Tijben, Martijn Strating, Agata Sowa, Joost ter Braake, Heejin Hong | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_MentalHealth.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | | Team Housing | Housing | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_Housing.png?direct&50 |}} | Housing in The Netherlands | This project was made with the aim of discovering possible trends in the housing market in the Netherlands and to display them in a visual manner. | Tale Nap, Stijn Brugman, Christos Constantinou, David Lammers, Thijs Bianchi, Noor de Feber | {{ :dataviz_2021_report_Housing.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | Team Traffic| Traffic| {{:dataviz_2021_logo_teamTraffic.png?direct&50 |}} | Traffic within Europe| This project was made with the aim of visualize certain aspects within the topic traffic in Europe. | Famke van den Boom, Julia van der Geest, Bart Blom, Martijn van Ooijen, Sam Hengeveld, Simon van Roozenaal| {{ :dataviz_2021_report_teamTraffic.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} | |||||||||| | 10 till the power of 100 | Google searchterms | {{:dataviz_2022_logo_10_100.png?direct&50 |}} | Google search | Visualizations were made about google searchterms related to: music, time, deaths, health and questions | Karlijn Kole, Kevin Friesacher, Frank Ruempol, Naomi Ruis, Sven Sonneveld, Nikki Warries | {{ :dataviz_2022_report_10_100.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} |||||||||| | Team Drugs | Drug Legalisation | {{:dataviz_2021_logo_team_drugs.png?direct&50 |}} | Drug Legalisation | We researched the effects of legalising drugs on a country | Lucas van Koppen, Geert Mol, Thorben Gerdes, Theo Syriopoulos, Sade Yokubova, Victoria Manchuk | {{:dataviz_2021_report_team_drugs.pdf |Report}} | {{ |Photos}} | {{ |Code}} |