====== This is the archive of the “Smart Environments” course of Module 2, year 2020.
The projects of the students are listed below:
Team name | Project Name | Logo | Topic | Short description | Students involved | Report | Photos | Code /Assets |
(1) Team Yikes | Smart Cupboard | Keeping track of food purchases and expiration dates | Put your food into the cupboard and say in the app which food you put in. You'll get a notification when the food reaches its expiration date, so that you use it on time. Humidity and temperature are measured. If the environment in the cupboard is not the right to store the food you can see that, so that you can store the food somewhere else to keep it fresh longer. | Marleen van Gerner (Lead), Kimberly Siemons, Kevin Friesachter, Victoria Tyminski, Max Liebe, Sterre Kuijper, Natsuki Collin | Report | Photos | Code | |
(2) Team Sombrero | Sombrero | Stationary Observant Multi-sensor Battery-powered Rapid Evacuation Response Operator | Focusing on decreasing the impact of wildfires and assisting to a rapid response. Our team designed and prototyped a device, Sensor/Transmitter Node, which can detect fire and alarm residents/locals by sending an email once the device is activated and smoke is detected. Our research also proposes a potential user interface with the online live status of the fire which could benefit residents when searching for optimal escape routes. | Theo Syriopoulos (Lead), Luuk Wijnant, Victoria Manchuk, Dominic Matthews, Jelle Brouwer, Welmoed Tjepkema, Matthijs Kleine | Report | Photos | Code | |
(3) Team Obama | WellBeing | ![]() | Measure water in tanks and collect rainwater | A project that monitors incoming and outflowing water on a storage tank and plots that data and based upon that data predicts how much can be used in the near future. | Ysbrand Burgstede (Lead), Anusha Autar, Hylke Jellema, Rachel den Otter, Bram Weeber, Dildora Yokubova | Report | ![]() | Code |
(4) Team Le Buisson | Morz | ![]() | Assisting handicapped people by detecting eye blinking translated to Morse codes | There are innumerous difficulties encountered by individuals with disabilities, and an interaction that is hugely impacted, is communication. Whether this communication is between the victim of a disaster and a nurse, doctor, family member, or a known person, we want to provide a more comfortable and less exhaustive way of communication for people that are not able to fully express themselves. Therefore, for the 2021 Smart Environments Project, we developed a product that uses motion sensors and a new self-developed language based on Morse code to aid victims of disasters with communication. | Mingqi Liu (Lead), Lipe de Andrade Ramires, Jintana Lammerts van Bueren, Baur Ongarbayev, Lisemijn Presser, Marina Stefanova | Report | Photos | Code |
(5) Team Happy Little Accidents | ![]() | Access to clean water: A machine that checks water's quality | We aimed at creating a device and a concept which will minimize the risk or consuming contaminated water. We came up with a really simple product which can determine the water quality and display it in an application for ease of the user. On the application the user can the safe and/or dangerous elements of the tested water. That way you can know whether you should drink the water or if not, can you do something as simple as filtration in order to fix the problem. | Eva Barten (Lead), Shanti van Herk, Jesper Hoogenkamp, Stefan Hristov, Leon Migaj, Jochem Schaap, Sander van Vliet | Report | Photos | Code | |
(6) Team Distracted Disasters | Avoiding distraction of drivers in self-driving cars | This team will focus on the problem of distracted driving with focus on drivers in autonomous cars. The goal is to lower the risks of accidents by creating a structure that prevents the driver from being distracted. This proposed solution is a smart steering-wheel with different sensors in it. Using these sensors, the car (or steering-wheel) should be able to know whether a user is distracted or not, and if so, alert the user, to avoid distraction. This solution could also be implemented in non-autonomous cars. There has also been thought of a basic versus an advanced model, in order to have possibilities for expansion, if there is still time left. | Lars Beumer (Lead), Nathan van Dijk, Catelijne Drenth, Sietze Huisman, Sandi Julardzija, Floris Kempers, Emir Pratov | Report | Photos | Code | ||
(7) Team ‘Light it Down’ | Smart Lighter | ![]() | Helping people to quit smoking | To help smokers quit, we have proposed the followingsolution:A smart electronic lighter that monitors how many times the user lights a cigarette per day andlimits and slowly decreases the numberof cigarettes the user can smoke each dayin order to help them get rid of their addiction. | Bas van der Steenhoven (Lead), Daisy Baars, Jesse Boomkamp, Sungjune Lee, Veerle Mooren, Emiel Nagel, Luca Verschure | Report | Photos | Code |
(8) Team The Disastrous Seven | Detecting anxiety/PTSD caused by a trauma or accident via a smart bracelet | This team designed a bracelet monitoring the mental state of children with PTSD or anxiety attack. The bracelet will send this data to their parents’ phone so they are able to help and assist their child in time when he or she is having an attack. | Floor Lieverse (Lead), Patrick Botz, Sil Dijkman, Seokho Jeong, Roel Kneepkens, Victor Ploeger, Jesse Strijker | Report | Photos | Code | ||
(9) Team Nixon | Project Hivey | ![]() | Creating a fully automated commercial beehive | To counteract the extinction of bees, we came up with a smart beehive for people to have at home. With sensors we will monitor the hive from the inside and furthermore count the number of bees that currently live in the smart hive. We want to make the beehive for private use to teach people more about bees and their needs. This way we hope that more people will grow aware of the importance of bees and their endangerment. | Ben Ligthart (Lead), Wouter Bleker, Alex Bosch, David van Dijk, Ilse de Haan, Tristan van Marle, Nikki Warries | Report | Photos | Code |
(10) Team Johnson | Smart Safety Helmet | Smart safety helmet for easier locationing during disasters | Our project consists of making a smart helmet capable of recognizing collision or accidents or crashes whilst the user is practicing e.g. dangerous sports or activities on his own. In an extreme case where the user might be unconscious after an accident, the helmet will automatically send the user's last registered location via the internet to a server which rescue workers will be able to access. Additionally, the helmet is attached with indication lights and sounds to be able to recognize it easier. | Joris Tiemessen (Lead), Nikita Klein, Anaisa van Dinter, Rosanne de Jong, Maximilian Hauschild, Ata Atosh Abu Snaineh | Report | Video | Code | |
(11) Team Disaster Blaster | Treevie | ![]() | Tackling deforestation by a automatic tree planter | Deforestation has a triple effect on climate change, making it responsible for almost 25% ofgreenhouse gasses (Bennet, 2017). First and foremost, trees absorb carbon dioxide out of theair and store it in the ground. The solution we have come up with in order to help in the battle against deforestation is anautomatic tree planting robot. The purpose of our robot is to help speed up the process ofplanting trees, and is targeted at converting agricultural ground back into forest. 80% ofdeforestation is for agricultural purposes (Rainforest Alliance, 2008). By converting these agricultural grounds back into forest, we can helpreduce carbon dioxide in the air by a considerable amount. This in turn leads to many differentbenefits for us and the environment. | Benjamin Jansen, Frank Bosman, Veerle Buntsma, Marco Chambon, Marielle Kortlever, Issa Margherita, Hans Nielen | Report | Photos | Code |
(12) Team Eisenhower | Ocean Energy | ![]() | Harvesting Energy From The Ocean | We chose to take on the problem involving increasing demand for renewable energy tackle the imminence of climate change. As a group we saw that a lot of energy is generated by renewable sources, but are not readily available and utilized in today’s world. We used wave motion to harness the energy potential of the ocean. We decided to generate this electricity by using the translational motion of waves. This was done with a floating platform that houses a generator. The generator is attached to a toothed rod, which allows the platform to move up and down with the waves. | Huug Jansen (Lead), Stefan Kooy, Hyo Joon Kwon, Sebastian van der Merwe, Camilla Scholz, Maurits Spijker Lilly Stelzer | Report | Photos | Code |
(13) Team TrueMen & Women | Sleeping Buddy | ![]() | Improving the sleeping experience of people | The sleeping buddy is meant to monitor your sleeping habits and improve sleeping cycles using scientifically proven methods for better sleep. As sleep deprivation can cause a numerous amount of health related issues, this invention can prove to be both innovative and useful! | Lot van der Galiën (Lead), Renier Algra, Joëll Brink, Luca Karwoth, Ruben Koudijs, Juno Reuvers, Roos Zoutman | Report | Photos | Code |
(14) Team DUCK TAPE | DOZY | ![]() | Accidents' avoidance by alarming the driver when in dangerous situations | For this project we decided to focus on the problem of fatal accidents caused by the fatigue of car drivers. It came to our attention due to the research we did that this is a problem that causes a lot of fatalities all around the world, at the same time there are not that many real-life products on the market that contribute to concrete solutions. We will be using an Arduino (mega) in addition to a self-made breathing monitor and a heart-rate monitor. When these two have reached an alarming value, the driver will be alerted by a visual notification, in the form of a light or some text on a small screen, and an audible notification | Jelle Gerritsen (Lead), Mehar Askari, Marije Kok, Sven Sonneveld, Kim de Weger, Myungwon Youn, Andre Zdrobãu | Report | Photos | Code |
(15) Team Dora the Explorahh | LiCar | ![]() | Accidents' avoidance via speeding alarms | The main problem that we are going to tackle is traffic safety. A lot of crazy drivers are not following the speed limits on the road. So, it is very difficult to estimate the distance between you and a car that drives really fast. Our main solution is an electric system, you put on the left car mirror. This product is called LiCar. LiCar is measuring the distance between the cars around you and gives you a signal when a car is coming closer with a higher speed. The signal will be a led that goes on. So, you can be extra careful with overtaking or other maneuvers to avoid accidents. | Marnix Lueb (Lead), Dennis Bitoiu, Thijs Deunk, Ewoud Janus, Daniel Mitev, Gracy Nedev, Jelle Völlmar | Report | Photos | Code |
(16) Team Myriad | Water Leakage Detection | Detect water leaking from pipes | Following the theme of “Disasters”, our team came up with a solution to detect water leakage on water supply infrastructure. Water is a basic human necessity and failure to have access to it is detrimental to our well-being and lifestyle. For this project, we used pipes with holes in them to simulate how water leakage would work. With sensors connected to the Arduino, sound can be detected and then we can locate where the leakage is in the pipes. | Altea Vesta Junio (Lead), Max Haverkämper, David Huybens, Yekaterina Michshenko, Naomi Ruis, Nienke Timmermans, Jasper Witten | Report | Photos | Code Code Part 2 | |
(17) Team TomatenPlukkers | HomeHPG | A hydro power generator | The project we settled on is a relatively small hydro-powered generator. This, because in our current homes we have a water flow that is just there to be disposed of for our needs, washing hands, drinking, or taking a shower. Still, it could be used for more, and we, as the residents, don’t have to do anything for it. The idea is that the system will be located in drainage pipes where you would just interchange a part of the pipe with our system. | Jasper Bosschart (Lead), Froukje den Brok, Daymen van den Hoorn, Liam Meuldijk, Rafael Pedrosa, Wessel Verstelle | Report | Media | Code | |
(18) Team EnviroGuard | Smart Sink | ![]() | Smart sink as a way to save water | Our smart sink makes use of an Android app which through Wi-Fi communicates to the Arduino. There are multiple buttons that allow the user to use the tap more water efficiently. The sink shows the user their total water consumption as well as a graph of their usage. The app monitors the status of the sink and warns the user when necessary. Through this smart product we reduce water scarcity and optimize the ease of user interaction with the sink. | Bektur Musaev (Lead), Bima Ade Dharmaputra, Noah Busger op Vollenbroek, Ole Salet, Ties Poutsma, Yoalina Kalcheva | Report | Photos | Code |
(19) Team XP Transport Systems | XPTS Moroz | ![]() | A vaccine transporting device | The XPTS Moroz enables the transportation of medical substances. Whether it is medicines or vaccines, it does not matter. The XPTS Moroz ensures that the environment remains under control. Various sensors monitor, among others, the temperature and humidity. In addition, thanks to the accelerometers, you can immediately see how the package has been handled. The XPTS Moroz can also be tracked at all times. Both on the display of the XPTS Moroz and in the software system (Data View), you can view the analysed data from your trip. | Jinze Wang (Lead), Manu van den Dolder, Marc Harinck, Thomas van Klink, Ahmed Mahran, Omar Omar Ahmed Essam Mohamed Samy Kamal, Monique de Waal | Report | Photos | Code |
(20) Team Lincoln | Smart Fridge Addon | ![]() | Smart fridge: Addressing food waste in households | Team Lincoln focussed on making a product which allows you to keep track of the items in your fridge and their expiry dates to cut back on food waste. The user scans a supermarket product with the barcode scanner. The website will recognize the product and show it on a display and provide you with an overview on the website of what you have and how close products are to going bad. | Mikus Vancans (Lead), Thirsa Chin-A-Kwie, Quinty van de Graaf, Stefan Minu, Alex te Riet, Wout Schutten, Menke Veerman | Report | Photos | Code |
(21) Team Khanjee | S.A.M. | ![]() | Accessory/standing device notifying people about disasters | A separate cheap standing device made just for notifying people about disasters. This standing device will function as an alarming device which warns potential nearby persons in both a most efficient and an informative way. It consists of a plastic base with several colour-coded LED’s which, when lit up, illuminate through a plastic cut-out with icons. It contains a speaker for alarming purposes. Humidity, temperature and gas sensors will also be included for sensing. | Ali Al-Kaabi (Lead), Lucas Delfos, Ivo Hagenbeek, Jonathan Jacob, Juul van Lier, Ferdy Sloot] | Report | Photos | Code |
(22) Team Enschaton Averte | Anti drowsy driving | ![]() | Detecting fatigued driving to avoid car accidents | In this paper we will try to find a method that uses smart technology to reduce the amounts of accidents caused by traffic, specifically fatigued driving. We hope to find a solution that could potentially reduce the amount of accidents caused by it, which according to the ANWB is currently responsible for about 700 to a 1000 severe car accidents in the Netherlands annually. In this paper we are going to discuss a smart solution that mainly uses your heart rate to detect when you become tired, and it notifies you to take a break. | Just Baselmans (Lead), David van Dijk, Julius Meetsma, Luuk Welling | Report | Photos | Code |