====== This is the archive of the “Smart Environments” course of Module 2, year 2021.
The projects of the students are listed below:
Team name | Project Name | Logo | Topic | Short description | Team Leader | Students involved | Report | Photos | Code /Assets |
(1) Team Deez Nodes | Deez Nodes | ![]() | Forest Fire Monitoring With Wireless-Sensor-Networks | Problem: Burning of forests contributes to 4.8 billion tons of carbon that is released into the atmosphere. These fires are often caused by humans to make space for agriculture, most of which is done illegally. Solution: Deez Nodes has developed a wireless sensor network to help governments and other organizations combat this issue. The node system monitores forests, detecting possible fires and notifying other nearby nodes towards a central receiver, where the data can be processed and authorities can be notified. | Byron Wider | Bogdan Biscoveanu, Natan van Bergem, Jorge Davo Sainz, Young Ho Braakman, Susanne Fuentes Bongenaar, Jort van den Brink, Filip Tatarek, Byron Wider | Report | Photos | Code |
(2) Red Bull Racing Honda | Mosquito-proof smart home | ![]() | Moquito-borne diseases | Problem: The spreading of diseases is influences largely by climatic conditions such as temperature and humidity, e.g. higher biting rates and longer optimal breeding seasons for mosquitos & Solution: Check humidity, windspeed and temperature conditions inside and outside the house, which can potentionally activate “lockdown” protocol where for example windows and curtains are closed | Hielke Veenstra | Denisa Boasca, John de Zwart, Hielke Veenstra, Nina Vroom, Rafael Teotonio Pedrosa, Door Kolkman, Tjeerd Verschuren | Report | Photos | Code |
(3) reflACTION | Smart mirror | ![]() | Air pollution and human health | Problem: Air pollution has a big impact on the health and is especially a problem in big cities, where there is more pollution and people still have to go outside & Solution: A smart mirror with daily information on whether there is a need to wear a mask in the city they are in, based on airpollution, smog, CO2 levels and PM10, and an ambiguous version showing more information, e.g. type of transportation to take and what to wear | Marije Rekker | Luce Zoontjens, Valentijn Embrechts, Jelle Brouwer, Marije Rekker, Luca Andrei | Report | Code | |
(4) McLaren team 4 | ![]() | Smart Bin Project | Problem: Trash is often disposed of in the incorrect place and is therefore not separated properly. This results in materials being sent to landfill that could have otherwise been reused. Solution: A smart disposal system that allows users to check the correct location for their garbage at the point of throwing the item away. By scanning the barcode on a product, the system will light up coloured LEDs on the trash bin the product belongs in. If an item does not have a barcode, a screen will be available to check a list of images for the correct placement. | Jildan Lekanne Gezegd Deprez, Martin Adelbert, Nate Luff, Alyson Benthem, Joris Koster, Julian Klep | Report | Photos | Code | ||
(5) Possible | CultivAid | ![]() | Water waste in argiculture | Problem: In the future, there might be a water shortage and right now, lots of water is used in agriculture, of which 40% is wasted, which can be limited enormously & Solution: By using the weather forcast and moist soil sensors, an irrigation system is adapted to know how much water to give crops | Nihat Ahmadzada | Nihat Ahmadzada, Celine Biller, Yigit Bezek, Samuel Overtoom, Gorkem Cardak, Wieger Wittrock, Lasse van Eerden, An Tran Quy | Report | Photos | Code |
(6) ReageertNiet | Wild fires destroying houses | Problem: Once land is burned down due to drought and high temperature, the land is hard to reverse back to its initial fertile state & Solution: Wildfires will be measured with humidity and temperature in and above the ground to protect houses and gardens | Adieb Hanifi | Ashley Braaksma, Alexia Malita, Adieb Hanifi, Brend Boer, Melissa van der Pol, Tion Zijlstra, Marinus Bos, Jorick Schöndorff | Report | Photos | Code | ||
(7) Modern Innovators of Life and Fuel Switching | Beehive monitoring system | ![]() | Bee preservation | Problem: Bees are important for pollination and therefore survival of certain plant and animal species & Solution: The bees behaviour and mood are monitored through measuring temperature, humidity, sound volume and frequency, to notify distress and see if they are in danger | Nick van Koeverden | Nick van Koeverden, Bart Oude Voshaar, Arne Arends, Suzanne Rutten, Denis Lisovskij, Casper ten Holder, John Patrick Mannion | Report | Photos | Code |
(8) JJJJAZD | Smart Flooding Prevention | ![]() | Flooding in sewage system | Description:Preventing strain on sewage system during times of heavy rain by implementing two types of water sensors to alert sewage workers where possible flooding will occur. & Problem: There is poor water management and an increase of rainfall which causes strain to the current sewage system & Solution: Measure the water level and water flow inside a pipe to sense a blockage and a warning signal will be sent out | Jacelynn Moesker | Anica Krüger, Dimitar Yoloski, Jacelynn Moesker, Zalfa Imtinan, Justen ter Horst, Jonathan Jeuring , Jan Kröger | Report | Photos | Code |
(9) Snow White | ![]() | Energy consumption in households | Problem: Fossil fuel consumption is a big issue in climate change and households often rely on them & Solution: A window that will automatically shut itself, based on temperature and air humidity, and energy will be conserved | Anne van Esch | Lieke Zoetelief, Nienke Dik, Julia Kersten, Hana Sinkovic, Milou de Zwaan, Anne van Esch, Ewoud Janus | Report | Photos | Code | |
(10) Force India | TreEnergy | Harvest wind energy from trees | Problem: Powering climate sensors in remote places can be difficult & Solution: By the movement of trees due to wind, energy is harvested by attaching a pentagonal arrangement of rope that drive a dynamo | Olivier Donker | Olivier Donker, Arthur Wijnen, Janine Ruumpol, Sem Bakker, Demi van Bommel, Marta Corrado | Report | Code | ||
(11) Aston Marin | Floating Waterquality Monitoring System | Locate the waterpolutant | Problem: Water pollution is hard to detect, so you can't solve the problem at the source. & Solution: A floating water quality instrument that measures pH and can send its GPS and data wirelessly to a reciever. The results can be analyzed to detect environmental problems and take preventive action to address the likely causes. | Matthijs Berkhout | Denzel Hagen, Madelon Gorter, Matthijs Berkhout, Yrjö Lagerweij, Jakub Stachurski, Tim Schulpen, Mitchell van Poecke | Report | Photos | Code | |
(12) Earth Farts | gEnery | ![]() | Energy harvesting from geysers | Problem: Greenhouse gasses result in rising temperatures, hence energy harvesting from renewable sources is essential & Solution: The power of geysers erupting can be converted into usable energy by using a turbine and measuring the pressure | Emma Burema | Emma Burema, Apurv Kanth, Jules Verhagen, Niccolo Bonfini, Matthew Jordan, Hugo van 't Riet | Report | Photos | Code |
(13) Dumptruck | Energy Saving Deep Fryer | ![]() | Heat Energy Waste | Problem: Most household appliances generate heat when being used, this heat energy usually dissipates in to the surroundings, but what if we could harness this useful wasted heat energy… Solution: Using the heat already produced from deep fryers to convert that into energy that can be reused by pumping liquid through the fryers, which will warm it up | Alex Ward | Jildert Brandsma, Abhishek Sridhar Huple, Joris Agtereek, Haimo Xu, Alexander Ward, Dana Sariyeva, Erik Schuit | Report | Photos | Code |
(14) P.E.B.T. | Modular Vertical Farm | ![]() | Food security | Problem: With a rising population and reduced amount of land available, hunger is an increasing problem & Solution: Vertical farming greenhouses make it easier to implement food closer to home and take up less land | María Cobo Muñoz | María Cobo Muñoz, Sven Rozendom, Fran Karlovic, Bart Aarts, Max van den Berg | Report | Photos | Code |
(15) Lada F1 Team | Smart Sunflower | ![]() | Solar energy harvesting | Problem: Renewable energy sources that do not harm the climate are necessary and solar energy is one of them. But, collecting this energy can be optimised Solution: The Smart Sunflower device, that, while it behaves like a regular solar panel, will move towards the sun and position itself optimally in order to receive and collect the highest amount of energy | Matei Obrocea | Matei Obrocea, Natalia Bueno Donadeu, Lucas Leijzers Vis, Allard van der Hooft, Odyl de Greeff, Eva te Walvaart, Simon Wong Kee Choong | Report | Photos | Code |
(16) Bingus | Project Dampoenator | Air pollution | Problem: Due to heavy industrial work, lots of toxic gasses are released into the air and are harmful to human health & Solution: A device in the shape of a bracelet that can be connected to a phone application which will allow the user to check an integrated map containing relevant information about the air pollution, having measured CO, CO2 and NO, in the respective areas where they live | Teun Masseling | Teun Masseling, Emilia Pavel, Yasin Öztürk, Emma van den Broek, Leeza Adil, Inèz Hemme, Kick Visser | Report | Photos | Code | |
(17) Strong Penguins | Shower Water saver | ![]() | Water wastage in homes | Problem: Water is often wasted in the home, the highest waste being in the shower & Solution: The user will be made aware of their water consumption while showering by measuring water flow and visualising this | Soham H. Nanwani | Soham H. Nanwani, Tom Piena, Inez Rommes,Alex Heredea, Rita Youssif | Report | Photos | Code |
(18) West Zakspeed Racing | Smocore | ![]() | Wild fire spreading | Problem: Once land is burned down due to drought and high temperature, the land is hard to reverse back to its initial fertile state & Solution: Sensors will detect smoke, temperature and humidity which will send out a message to another local sensor till it reaches the fire department | Tico Aartsen | Tico Aartsen, Sem Lammers, Erik-Jan Heida, Oscar Spuij, Tobias Brouwers, Hidde Giesen, Gijs de Waal | Report | Photos | Code |
(19) Flotilla | BayWatch | River pollution | Problem: As it currently stands, rivers are being polluted at a rate at which human survival is threatened. The main reasons why this occurs is because multi-billionaire companies are getting away with throwing their waste into the rivers and because the reaction time for clean-up teams is extremely long. Solution: The smart buoy, dubbed “BayWatch”, is a stationary buoy that sends readings of the water body it is in to a server, which in turn sends an email when these readings become abnormal for river standards. | Arthur van der Torre | Arthur van der Torre, Luka van Hoeven, Emilie van Eps, Valeriu Culinca, Gina van der Meijden, Maya Schuurmans | Report | Photos | Code | |
(20) Save the Turtles | Flooding Prevention | ![]() | Flooding in sewage systems | Problem: There is poor water management and an increase of rainfall which causes strain to the current sewage system. Solution: Measuring the water height with an ultrasound sensor inside a pipe to sense a blockage. Then create a visual map of the system to locate the blockage easily. | Luuk Wessels | Luuk Wessels, Marleen de Ruijter, Twan de Groot, Rint Rutgers, Mette Laros, Daan Strijbosch, Thiago Albrecht-Salviano | Report | Photos | Code |